Please take a moment to read this article that was published in Monday's Wall Street Journal.
Amid Acres of Wilting Stalks, Farmers Stand Tall by Victor Davis Hanson (click)
Here's a portion of the article:
We might also recalibrate our notion of "flyover country," that vast and productive region that rarely earns attention elsewhere except during close national elections. The federal government is insolvent; high finance is still suspect. Yet thousands of mostly unknown farmers in Iowa, Indiana or Ohio get better at what they do, and better too than all their counterparts across the globe—drought or no drought.
The parched summer of 2012 reminds us that we still live in an often tragic world that all our high-tech devices and therapeutic gobbledygook cannot quite overcome. The comfortable life of smartphones, reality TV and Facebook seems a birthright only because it is predicated on the talents of Americans who, with little fanfare, put a bounty of food on our tables and the world's.
Thank you to all of you in agriculture who do your jobs so well.
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